Supporting Homes First in June

In June SBC is providing support to Homes First, an organization whose mission is to create and maintain safe, healthy, and affordable rental homes for those who need them most.

Since 1990, Homes First has successfully created affordable rental housing locally. It has helped over 5000 low and very low income community members find safe, clean, affordable and long-term rental housing with a landlord who treats them respectfully and equitably. Homes First is unique in its role of addressing housing insecurity. 

To best serve their tenants' diverse needs and ensure the goal of long term permanent housing for each of the residents. They partner with other local social service organizations that complement their services.  For example, 13 homes with shared housing for developmentally disabled adults are provided tenancy and case management services from agencies whose expertise is specialized in working with that population. ​

Income from rents goes to maintain the housing, provide staff oversight, and help fund future affordable housing projects. Home First's strength is in the partnerships they connect with to ensure capacity to serve. They say, " We meet our tenants where they are and help them have the financial and emotional space they need to define for themselves what success may look like. "