How We Worship
Worship is like a drama: The clergy, ministers and musicians are the prompters, the people are the actors, and God is the audience.
- Søren Kierkegaard
At St Benedict, we celebrate with awe and obligation in a construct called liturgy. Liturgy is a Greek word that means “the work of the people,” which can provoke a chorus of “Ugh, all I need is more work.” And if that is how you feel, then we know exactly where you’re coming from.
Our prayer for Sunday morning is that the familiar takes over. That the rhythms and routines of the service entertain body and mind. Our hope is that the words of the sermon provoke thoughts of life and God, and lead to connecting our weekly routines with divine inspiration.
Worship is focused through scripture reading, song, prayers, preaching, and the liturgy of the table, known also as Holy Eucharist. Here we participate in a holy meal set and given to fortify our soul. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey you will find a welcome at our table.
Music is central to our worship. Currently our choir is seasonal and sings a variety of music from within the Anglican tradition. Their common voice sets a tone for the timeless nature of worship, capturing the beauty, unity, and mystery of worship from across time into a particular moment in time and, in this way, refreshing the soul.
We follow the liturgical calendar, which is the ancient way of matching worship with the life of Christ. Through these recurring patterns we are formed and re-formed by the stories of Jesus' life, so that our life, by imitation and association, is immersed in the presence of God in our midst.
The only requirement for worship at St Benedict is presence. Come join us.
Sunday worship is at 8 am & 10:30 am .