Leadership & Contact Info

St. Benedict’s Church Address
910 Bowker St. SE
Lacey, WA 98503

St. Benedict’s mailing address
PO Box 3811
Lacey, WA  98509

Office Hours:
Vary, call to make an appointment.
Office Phone: 360.456.2240
Email: office@stbenedictlacey.org

Wardens and Committee members may be contacted through the church office
Senior Warden - Robert Zych
Junior Warden - Kelly Ellis
Gerry Apple
Diane Hoist
Vicky Newlun
Jeff Zahir
Terryl Graham, vestry clerk

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The Rev (Dr.) Beth Echols, BCC

Chaplain Echols office hours and contact info:
Office hours vary. Call to make an appointment.

Email: rector@stbenedictlacey.org
Phone: 360-485-7281

The Rev. Tony Irving

Tim Madden   

Office Administrator
Terryl Graham 

Pastoral Care

Webmasters: Dennis Powell & Nancy Zabel