St. Benedict donates to Pizza Klatch for the month of May

So glad that SBC will be donating to Pizza Klatch again this year!

Pizza Klatch is a support group for LGBTQ+ youth and their allies that is held in classrooms during lunchtime at  participating high schools. Each group is run by two trained adult co-facilitators who are members of the LGBTQ+ community or allies. Facilitators are mandatory reporters and are responsible for maintaining an inclusive, supportive, confidential environment safe from physical harm or emotional attacks for all participants. Groups are led by the needs of the youth participants, making each group unique.

A typical group begins with reviewing ground rules followed by “check-ins” where teens are encouraged to share a “high” — something going well in their life — as well as a “low” something they are currently struggling or being challenged with. This is an opportunity for everyone to share and be heard about their experiences, such as homophobic harassment, feelings of judgement or marginalization, or discrimination within their family or home. The groups are a place where youth build community and friendships that extend outside of school grounds.

Discussion topics include:

  • gender identity and gender expression

  • sexual orientation

  • healthy relationships

  • how to improve school culture

  • religion

  • coming out and the safety issues around it

  • roots of oppression

  • intervention in bullying, self-harm, or suicide

Pizza Klatch is a 100% voluntary drop-in group and all LGBTQ+ youth and their allies are welcome.  No one has to speak if they don’t want to.

Pizza Klatch facilitators work hard to ensure this is a RESPECTFUL, INCLUSIVE and SAFER SPACE for all who attend.