Young Adult Earth Ministry
/If you would like to find out more about the Webb space telescope and why it’s important to understanding our planet and its environment, you can visit the NASA Webb site
Land acknowledgement is one way to resist erasure of indigenous histories as well as honoring the tribes and the land itself. We give thanks that the land we’re on is daily blessed and honored by the dxʷsqʷali?-abš (Nisqually) and dxʷč̓ač̓ʔaɬ -abš (Now part of the Squaxin Island Tribes) and their ancestors.
If you would like to find out more about the Webb space telescope and why it’s important to understanding our planet and its environment, you can visit the NASA Webb site
Worship is like a drama: The clergy, ministers and musicians are the prompters, the people are the actors, and God is the audience.
- Søren Kierkegaard
At St Benedict we celebrate with awe and obligation in a construct called liturgy. Liturgy is a Greek word that means “the work of the people.” Our services are focused through scripture reading, song, prayers, preaching, and the liturgy of the table, known also as Holy Eucharist.
Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
Bishop’s Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land
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