Lenten Soup Supper: Guest Speaker, Roxanne Lowe from the Washington State Genealogical Society
/Roxanne has been a member of the Washington State Genealogical Society since 2008 and is a proud, longstanding member of the Gray's Harbor Genealogical Society. Roxanne’s interest in genealogy began as a child in Aberdeen, WA. Her paternal grandmother gave her a written family history, loaded with names, dates and locations. Many years later this interest led to a passion as she joined the Grays Harbor Genealogical Society and attended many conferences, workshops and Seminars
We look forward to Roxanne's presentation where she will be sharing information on how to write our own or somebody else's obituary.
There are sign-up sheets on the hallway counter where you can sign-up to be a soup chef or a member that wishes to come to be fed with knowledge and scrumptious soup.
There will be two kinds of soup available and one offering of soup will be vegetarian
These events will go through April 9th.
Hope to see you there! If you have any questions please call Caroline Madden at (360)-490-4965.