From the Desk of the Senior Warden

Bob Zych


Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to always trust in the Lord. Our individual and community trust ultimately is in God, not our savings. While financial saving is prudent, our ultimate security comes from our relationship with God.
The Vestry is responsible to adequately appropriate SBEC operational funds, as well as maintain a place for future generations to gather as a worshiping community and to celebrate Holy Eucharist. Toward those ends, Vestry began undertaking several projects that go beyond our regular operating budget utilizing our abundant savings, when necessary. Vestry discerned project investments in our building maintenance and infrastructure that reflect stewardship of the treasures received for our Church. We continue looking for ways forward that enhance the ability of SBEC to serve the local community, make responsible environmental choices, and be prepared to assist in emergency scenarios in time of need. Vestry also continues honoring our Church commitment to practice a full tithe as well as an adequate level of reserve funds for future unexpected needs.
Prior Vestry leadership over many years wisely provided for us to now fund deferred maintenance and responsible investment in our aging church building infrastructure. By the Grace of God and the faithful giving of current and past parishioners, Vestry can responsibly assign funds for needed projects.
So, as the Parish sees projects to replace our HVAC system, sanctuary flooring, failing windows, and refrigerator replacements, pipe organ installation, and still other projects to come, rest assured that Vestry is committed to discerning the appropriate use of the generous gifts received by SBEC. Vestry remains committed to operating from a perspective of trusting in God’s abundance.
All things come from you Lord, and of your own have we given you: “Glory to God, whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine: Glory to him from generation to generation in the Church…” and “Give us grace to do your will in all we undertake, that our works may find favor in your sight.”