Three Wooden Crosses

The second Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of Peace, saw the blessing of the three new crosses that adorn the front of our building.
The summer shampoo of the building revealed the need to repair or replace the crosses.  After much discussion the decision was made to replace the blue crosses.  Parishioners have shared their memories.
Lucy Reuter wrote, Jake Good, a charter member, who died many yrs. ago is smiling. He used to climb the ladder to make sure the crosses were painted. He was a WW 2 vet in the Army Air Corps, and then Air Force, very tall and had a lot of back trouble from crouching in the back of the plane. He and his wife Dorothy were the salt of the earth. It is their son Donny whose ashes are under the altar.
Nancy Zabel remembered that Don Laford provided a touch up to the crosses that endured more years.
Norman and Clarice Gregory along with Jim Lochner and others who provided support crafted new crosses and mounted them Sunday afternoon just as the sun was appearing following a rainy Pacific Northwest Day.