Star Wars Day Parking Lot Sale - Next Weekend

It’s almost garage sale time!  Come join us NEXT WEEKEND on “May the 4th Be with you at St. Benedict Episcopal Church” as we celebrate Star Wars Day with a garage sale!  All proceeds and donations from our sale will go toward upgrades to our Sunday School room and hopefully an outside ADA compliant playground for the kids!  We will have popcorn and hot dogs and we welcome your household donations to go toward this sale! 
I’d love for anyone willing to help, please either contact me by email or text, or the sign up  sheet in the hallway.  The plan is to be all set up and start at 7am on Saturday the 4th in the parking lot if the weather is nice or in the parish hall if rainy!  Donations can be placed in the parish hall close to the library and clearly marked for the sale.  You are welcome to put a price on your items.  Those without a price will be for donation.   We are advertising on our website, Facebook, MIXX 96.1 community events calendar and the JOLT website (thank you  Tricia Shaw). 
Have a wonderful day!
Kelly Ellis